
  1. What's aging your skin? It's about the sun... and Smartphones?

    What's aging your skin? It's about the sun... and Smartphones?

    In a simpler time, people used to lay out in the sun, oiling our skin for a "deeper tan", blissfully unaware of the long-term damage that we were causing.   But as a generation of sunbathers aged, we found out that there were two very real prices to pay for that indiscretion.

    Sun Exposure and the Risk of Skin Cancer

    The first price began to surface in the growing number of skin-cancer cases found across America.  Studies confirmed that one of the major contributors was unprotected sun exposure.  Newer studies show that using a high SPF factor sunscreens (SPF 30 or more) reduces the risk of skin cancer by at least one third.

    Premature Aging of Skin

    The second price for careless sun habits has many forms and names; photo-damage, hyperpigmentation; "liver spots", fine-line wrinkles, collagen breakdown, and others. But it all comes down to a premature aging of the skin.  This is caused by a range

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    Ways to get Rid of Dark Circles

    The dark blemishes around the eyes are commonly known as dark circles or technically as periorbital dark circles. Some of the common causes include thinning of the skin around the eyes, genetics, allergies, fluid retention, iron deficiency, dehydration or lack of sleep. It is also worth mentioning that with age, the dark circles under your eyes are likely to become more prominent if they are not treated on time. You can get rid of dark circles or in some cases reduce the appearance of dark circles with a bit of timely effort. There are three steps to minimize the appearance of dark circles.

    Step One - Address the Cause

    Get plenty of sleep at night - Lack of required amount of sleep tends to reduce circulation and makesthe skin pale. Determine how much amount of sleep you need (the sleeppattern and duration varies from
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